In conclusion, based
on my research on Starbucks Alpha Angle I found that 50% off purchasing with
tumbler on Monday, Wednesday and Friday only have slight effect on attracting
more customers as both day also have almost most similar amount of customers
which is 32 customers for non promotional day from 2pm to 6.15pm and 34
customers for promotional day. This shows that their customers
still willing to purchase Starbucks drinks even without promotions. Besides, that from my
research also can conclude that Starbucks foods and beverages were equally
favorable by teenagers and adults as both promotional day and non promotional day had almost balance
amount of teenagers and adults which showed by the data 17 teenagers (53%)
and 15 adults (47%) on non promotional day and 17 teenagers (50%) and
17 adults (50%) on the promotional day.
Furthermore, based on my research on Starbucks Alpha Angle shows
that there are more female made their purchase at Starbucks during promotional
day from 2pm to 6.15pm compare to non promotional day. This shows that female
customers are aware about the Starbucks's tumbler promotion compare to male. They had a
total of 25 female customers on promotional day which is 73% and 20 female
customers on non promotional day which is 63%. Whereas the amount of male
customer are more on non promotional day and the total amount of male customers
are lesser than female customers for both promotional day and non promotional
day which is 12 male customers (37%) on non promotional day and 9 male
customers (27%) on promotional day. This shows that male
might not be as aware as the female towards the Starbucks tumbler promotion..!!!
Next, based on my
research on Starbucks Alpha Angle shows that most of their customers are
Chinese, followed by Malay and Indian. There are 8 Malays (25%), 23
Chinese (71.9%) and 1 Indian (3.1%) customers had made
their purchase on non promotional day and 13 Malays (38.2%), 19
Chinese (55.9%) and 2 Indian (5.9%) customers had made
their purchase on promotional day between 2pm to 6.15pm. This
shows that Starbucks is less favorable by Indian customers as the have the lowest
amount of customers for both days although they had a slight increase of
customers on promotional day but is still the lowest compare to other race.
Therefore, this shows that Indian customers are not aware about the Starbucks
tumbler promotion. Whereas Starbucks are more favorable by both Chinese
and Malay as Chinese has the
highest amount of customers on both promotional and non promotional day follow
by Malay. On the other hand, the amount of Malay customers had increased on
promotional day compare to non promotional day. This shows that Malay
customers might be more aware of the Starbucks tumbler promotion so they prefer to visit
Starbucks during promotional day.
Lastly, based on my
research on Starbucks Alpha Angle I found that 50%
off purchasing with tumbler is effective and customers are aware about this
Starbucks tumbler promotion. According to my
research this promotion indirectly increased the sales of tumbler as they
encourage their customer to go green by purchasing the drinks with Starbucks
tumbler which able to get 50% off promotion for the customer's drinks.
Therefore some customers will purchase Starbucks tumbler during this promotion
period in order to be entitle for the promotion. Why I mention that customers
are aware about this Starbucks tumbler promotion?! This is because base on my
research shows that during non promotional day which is Tuesday there are
only 2 customers (6.3%) made their purchase with Starbucks's tumbler and
30 customers (93.7%) made their purchase without Starbucks's tumbler. Whereas
during promotional day which is Friday there is 12 customers (35.3%) made
their purchase with Starbucks's tumbler and 22 customers (64.7%) made their
purchase without Starbucks's tumbler. This shows that the Starbucks tumbler
promotion is effective as it has attracted more customers
to purchase their drinks with Starbucks tumbler compare to non promotional day and most of the customers are aware
of the promotion therefore they will bring their tumbler to purchase the drinks
on promotional day.
Finally it had come
to an end for my research assignment.. Once again thank you for spending your
time here with me regarding my research on Starbucks promotion...![image](
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