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Friday, 19 July 2013

Charts Are up o(n__n)o ~ Analysis Charts~

Hi people...Are you ready for some charts up coming..?! After I computed my data into tables, now is the time for chartsssss !!! imageimageimage
Without any further comes my charts image image

The bar chart above shows the amount of teenagers and adults visited Starbucks Alpha Angle on 18 June 2013 which is a non promotional day between 2pm to 6.15pm. According to the data there are 17 teenagers(53%) and 15 adults(47%) of customers visit and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle.

The bar chart above shows the amount of teenagers and adults visited Starbucks Alpha Angle on 21 June 2013 which is a promotional day between 2pm to 6.15pm. According to the data there are 17 teenagers(50%) and 17 adults(50%) which is equally of customers visit and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle.

Comparison: image 
The amount and percentage of adults customers visit and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle are higher on promotional day compare to non promotional day. Whereas the amount of teenagers remain the same 17 customers.
The pie chart above shows the gender of customers that visited Starbucks Alpha Angle on 18 June 2013 which is a non promotional day between 2pm to 6.15pm. According to the data there are 12 male (37%) and 20 female (63%) of customers visit and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle.

The pie chart above shows the gender of customers that visited Starbucks Alpha Angle on 21 June 2013 which is a promotional day between 2pm to 6.15pm. According to the data there are 9 male (27%) and 25 female (73%) of customers visit and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle.

Comparison: image
The amount and percentage of female customers visit and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle on promotional day had increased compare to non promotional day. Whereas the amount of male customers visit and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle on promotional day had decrease compare to non promotional day. 
The bar chart above shows the race of customers that visited Starbucks Alpha Angle on 18 June 2013 which is a non promotional day between 2pm to 6.15pm. According to the data there are 8 Malays(25%), 23 Chinese(71.9%) and 1 Indian(3.1%) customers had visited and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle.

The bar chart above shows the race of customers that visited Starbucks Alpha Angle on 21 June 2013 which is a promotional day between 2pm to 6.15pm. According to the data there are 13 Malays(38.2%), 19 Chinese(55.9%) and 2 Indian(5.9%) customers had visited and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle.

Comparison: image 
The amount of Chinese customers visit and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle for both promotional and non promotional day is the highest although the amount of Chinese customers had drop on the promotional day. Whereas Indian customers are the lowest amount among other races who had visit and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle for both promotional and non promotional day although the amount of Indian customers had a slight increase for promotional day. Lastly, there are more Malay customers that visited and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle on promotional day compare to non promotional day.
The pie chart above shows the percentage of customers that had made their purchase with or without Starbucks's tumbler at Starbucks Alpha Angle on 16 June 2013 which is a non promotional day between 2pm to 6.15pm. According to the data there are 2 customers (6.3%) made their purchase with Starbucks's tumbler and 30 customers (93.7%) made their purchase without Starbucks's tumbler when they visit and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle.

The pie chart above shows the percentage of customers that had made their purchase with or without Starbucks's tumbler at Starbucks Alpha Angle on 21 June 2013 which is a promotional day between 2pm to 6.15pm. According to the data there are 12 customers (35.3%) made their purchase with Starbucks's tumbler and 22 customers (64.7%) made their purchase without Starbucks's tumbler when they visit and purchased at Starbucks Alpha Angle.

Comparison: image 
The percentage and amount of customers that had made their purchase with Starbucks's tumbler during promotional day is a lot more than non promotional day. Whereas the amount and customers who had made their purchase without Starbucks's tumbler on the promotional day is a lot lesser compare to non promotional day.

This bar chart shows all category's comparison for both non promotional day and promotional day included teenagers and adults, male and female, race (Malay, Chinese and Indian) and customers made their purchase with or without tumblers. 

End of post, Stay tune!! Bye imageimageimage image 

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